THE ROLE of Or Bleu

Bring to knowledge:  encourage the general public to grasp the subjects around the maritime economy and the public of the sea.
Exit specialist universes: at all "National Navy" of "it is not easy because the maritime world is very sectorized"
Raise awareness and "popularize" access to the maritime world.
Disseminate and promote what exists, or is being created.
Support actions & creations, individuals, associations, companies, ... who work in the maritime sector.
Publicize through a permanent buzz-forum: disseminate leads & services to challenge the public and private spheres.

Earth is a planet Sea

The sea,
a breeding ground for human activities


    70% of our O2

    Water & Nutrition


    Millions of jobs & Exchanges

    90% of world transport

    Marine Renewable Energy

    Boating, EMR

    Ports, Lakes Cities


    Security, Politics & Military
  • RICH

    Minerals, Sediments


    Biotech 'Blue

    Oceanography exploration

    History & Literature
  • Dreamlike

    Paintings & Dreams

The sea,
a world of balances to know.

  • The Oceans represent 4 / 5th of our Planet and are essential to our ecological balance


  • Space is better known than our Oceans


  • The real economy of the sea is unknown to the general public

Europe & the sea

In a world in perpetual environmental, economic and social change Or Bleu wants to be an architect of this field of extraordinary opportunities for the general interest.

» Unknown figures

  • 22 out of 27 member states of the European Union (EU) are coastal states
  • 70.000 km of coastline form the European coast, from the island of Cyprus to the North Cape near the Arctic. Activity of: civil construction - transport - oceanographic research
  • 17 seas and 4 oceans shape continental & overseas Europe
  • 51% of Europeans live less than 50km from the coast
  • 5 million jobs directly depend on maritime activities and as many indirectly depend on it
  • 90% of exports and 43% of imports are shipped by sea

» Economic legitimist: The EU has 50% of the world fleet and is a world leader in

  • Maritime Transport
  • Shipbuilding
  • Energy production at sea

» Maritime activities alone represent 5% of Europe's GDP

Europe is also the 1st tourist destination in the world and maritime tourism continues to grow. As for the food processing, renewable energy, underwater telecoms, underwater biotechnology and other aquaculture industries, they are major productions in Europe.

Or Bleu audiences

All concerned ...

15/30 year olds : Address a passion

L'Or Bleu brings to their attention the various access routes to the trades of the sea.

» Objectives:

  • Open new perspectives for them in the face of traditional industries
  • Give them the opportunity to invent a new life
  • The sea trades rhyme with passion!

30/50 year olds : A 1rd see 2nd quarry

These sea trades can represent a first or even a second departure from a professional life.

» Goal : 

  • Propose retraining or professional reorientation

50/70 year olds : Experience serving others

L'Or Bleu is aimed at professionals who have regained freedom of action to now transmit and communicate.

» Goal :

  • Allow them to put their knowledge at the service of others

Or Bleu missions

In this changing environmental, economic and social world, the Or Bleu is a "promoter" of the field of opportunities represented by the trades of the sea & the maritime economy in general.

Promote future industries

• Blue Biotechnologies and R&D

• Marine Renewable Energies (MRE) and off-shore energies

• Naval deconstruction

But also : Transport - Boating - Housing & Town Planning - Water & Food

on the Future Pathways


Bleues and R&D

Through the study of the living and knowledge of the systems and molecules derived from its biodiversity, lat sea constitutes an immense reservoir conducive to providing sustainably to man multiple components with vocation:

  • consultations
  • energy (renewable and alternative energies)
  • nutritional
  • cosmetics

Marine Renewable Energies

The oceans contain all the energy that humans need

Marine Renewable Energies (EMR) are the solution to the energy transformation: ecologically efficient and job-creating

EMR = 4 sources of energy:

  • Offshore wind energy, now floating. Main source of production: winds
  • Tidal energy uses ocean currents. Predictable and permanent energy, unlike wind without visual impact
  • Wave energy uses the force and the movement of the swell: the waves
  • Marine Thermal Energy (ETM), OTEC in English comes from the difference in temperatures between surface and deep waters in tropical seas. Stable energy available 24/24


Naval deconstruction

The construction sites on the coast and the port cities are ready to participate in the dismantling of ships.


  • 98% recovered waste can be re-used.
  • 70% ships scrapped in 2011, left for yards from India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.

Shipbreaking is an important job opportunity, above all making it possible to concretely practice the circular economy for:

  • Put an end to so-called "wild" naval abandonments and demolitions
  • To oversee the shipbreaking cycle
  • Establish close collaborations between shipbreaking companies & shipowners
  • Promote the image of naval deconstruction, transform it into a non-polluting, secure industry, value chain for the entire industry

Or Bleu Actions

The Cargo des Métiers®

Itinerant, from port cities to port metropolises, the Cargo des Métiers® makes the sea trades and the maritime economy and its sectors known. A boat welcoming on board, at stopovers, the driving forces of the local maritime economy with all the researchers of the future.


  • The Cargo of Trades® brings together the driving forces of the maritime economy and the general public
    Conferences and seminars between maritime companies and organizations and people looking for a future in this universe. Exhibition rooms of works for college / high school and university students.
  • Creator of links and organizer of the local maritime network
    The Cargo of Trades® is an emblematic and unique way to facilitate the arrival on board of all audiences, so that they discover the breadth of opportunities in the maritime economy trades. It is also a territorial opportunity.
  • In the "Square"
    Iconic “maritime” sailors and personalities
    Companies, groups, maritime economy associations, researchers & academics, elected officials and local officials
  • In its holds:
    Database of existing maritime job offers and training
    Conference room and a traveling maritime exhibition corridor - Restaurant / bar for the expression of local seafood cooks

An Investment Fund

To accelerate assistance for the creation, development and takeover of businesses in the maritime economy.


Why ?

  • An investment fund makes it possible to save - create - develop quickly
  • Bring resources and activate possible economic levers to concretize the projects of companies and associations and others of the maritime universe


  • By defining eligibility criteria for funds, grants, loans
  • By creating a committee of patrons and other donors
  • Through public communication around existing funds

Who is Or Bleu for?

  • Each company, association, will be able to communicate around the support provided by the Or Bleu
  • A quantification of the concrete contribution to the maritime economy:
    • how many projects developed
    • jobs created
    • new supported trades


Contribution - Proposal

Creation of European Coast Guard

Faced with the constant threats of sea pollution

European states provide light and insufficient responses (accountability, duty of care ...) to limit ecological disasters.
In France, it is the State, through the Regional Maritime Prefect, which coordinates action at sea.
The maritime administrations are: The French Navy, Maritime Affairs, Customs, Gendarmerie, DDE and SNSM. This “fragmented” organization lacks consistency and efficiency as soon as we reason in terms of prevention.
An Operational Center has just been created, it is run by: National Navy, Customs, Border Police, Maritime Affairs, National Gendarmerie and Civil Security. This center reports directly to the Prime Minister.
Its vocation: Know and constantly analyze the global maritime situation, especially in the event of crises and intervene within international networks. More than a utility, the creation of a European coast guard is a necessity.
Objectives: To assert Europe, as a world maritime power to put itself at the level of the United States, Canada or Japan, by federating the different forces of action of the member states by the implementation of a European maritime policy.
Like the Baltic Sea Status, where 40 authorities, representing all the countries bordering the Baltic, have undertaken to intervene together in the framework of maritime safety in the Baltic, in the event of a disaster.
Achieve economies of scale, and allow France (where 95% of ships using the Ouessant rail set sail or dock outside France) to no longer bear all the costs of monitoring maritime traffic.
Strengthen safety at sea, in the face of economic and ecological challenges.

The intensification of maritime traffic in Europe:

For example, the English Channel accounts for 30% of global maritime traffic with 600 ships per day crossing the coast of Cherbourg and 500 tonnes of hazardous materials per day circulating off the coast of Brittany.
6 merchant ships also cross daily between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.
Over the past ten years, global maritime traffic has increased by 35%.
The gigantism of ships:
A LNG carrier can nowadays reach a volume of 200 m000.
A single transport vessel could contain a city of 5 inhabitants. As for the capacity of container ships, it has doubled in ten years.
The results :
The risk of collisions. Sailor fisherman has become the most dangerous job in the world with 24 dead and 000 fishing vessels damaged per year in European Union waters.
Other indirect consequences:
Illegal fishing, drug trafficking, illegal immigration, terrorism, smuggling and piracy in distant waters with a strong European presence in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Draft solutions:
The European Union has expanded the action plan of its intentional and accidental pollution management committees (strengthening of controls of ships in port, directives at the level of flag state responsibility, possibility of making the shipowner responsible. ship, harmonization of criminal sanctions in the event of marine pollution, creation of a European Maritime Safety Agency in Lisbon, gradual withdrawal of single hull oil tankers, ...)
Improved legislation must be complemented at sea by an active force of repression and an effective control tool, the European coast guard.
This European coastguard corps would also make it possible to overcome the difficulties of interference by member states and make up for the slow implementation of European directives.

The safety of Maritime Transport in question:

The safety of Maritime Transport in question:
Theoretically, the regulations and conventions ratified by the 150 members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) should be sufficient to limit the risks of shipwrecks, but this is without counting on the irregularities of certain owners of older ships, d '' charterers who seek low-cost transport, on flags of convenience, the lack of coordination of rescue actions at sea.
A weakened Europe:
The transport of polluting and dangerous materials has increased by 40% in ten years, yet the prevention and intervention system is not flawless.
The growth of pleasure tourism and the often anarchic development of leisure activities and water sports, without knowledge of safety rules and ecological gestures.
Illegal fishing:
It is estimated that between 1997 and 2001, the quantity of fish from illegal fishing was 3 times that of the authorized fishing in certain places.
In addition, France has a complicated and archaic intervention system, in the event of an infringement, the presence of customs, maritime affairs and the national gendarmerie is necessary to draw up the report.
The results :
-The natural balance of the ribs weakens at high speed.
- Fish stocks are running out.
- Shipwrecks are increasing.

Historical reminder of recent disasters:

  • 1988 : Ecological disaster with discharge into the sea, since " The Brea ", Sodium sulfide and acetone. A few months later, the "Amazon" spilled its 3 tonnes of oil at sea.
  • 2000 : Sinking of the Erika», 37 tonnes of heavy fuel oil spilled at sea and 000 tonnes blackened 19 km of coastline. 000 billion euros in non-environmental financial loss. Nothing worked properly both at sea and on land.
  • 2002 : Sinking of the Prestigeloss of 77 tonnes of heavy fuel oil, again, more than € 000 billion in estimated damage.
    The Prestige has been sailing for 26 years. In view of the standards in force at the time, the ship should have been removed from the basins and sent for scrapping, since September 2002 ... 2 months before its sinking ...

A common action plan

A joint action plan to combat ecological pollution would, through a European coastguard, better prevent accidents and improve the effectiveness of the intervention forces in the event of a disaster.

The European Union began the installation, along the European coast, of Protected Maritime Zones, true fish stocks, to regenerate the waters into fish chronically.
However, the protection of these areas requires the implementation of heavy resources and significant staff around these areas.
A European coast guard, would prevent the attitudes and behaviors of citizens of the coast, through an educational approach.
The European Union and Canada have signed a partnershipt to preserve the North Atlantic by setting up joint inspection patrols in the area regulated by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO).
Goal :
Arrest as many offenders as possible to protect fishery resources from overfishing and other illegal fishing.

A solution, a remedy: The creation of European Coast Guard.

Blue Gold, supports the establishment of this intervention and security force, the project has another scale.
Without minimizing the risks of marine pollution, nor the contribution of such logistics in this fight, theBlue Gold wants expand the debate beyond pollution control.
It is a question of demonstrating the stakes and the repercussions towards the European populations which the creation of such an institution would raise. Interesting also in terms of employment and integration of young people, even civic service!